Face Mask Detection system built using Python libraries - OpenCV, Tensorflow and NumPy.
This project aims to identify the person's face with or without Mask giving out the percentage of Accuracy.
A chatbot built using Python libraries - numPy and NLTK to simulate Human-Computer interaction. This project used a text file containing information of Data Science to to train the ChatBot.
A Python-basic level training will be conducted online for 3 days with each session of 1 hour, from 24 Jan to 26 Jan, (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM).The workshop is aimed to make the participants dive into the world of Python and get their basics intact with hands-on projects which will give a boost to their professional Career.
The AI Bootcamp at AIDA Lab, PSU will be conducted for 4 days sessions, 3 hours each session, from 14 Nov to 17 Nov, (7:00 PM - 10:00 PM) participants will learn the fundamentals of programming using Python. Also, learn how to analyze and visualize a given data using python, Power Pivot and Weka. The course is aimed to teach the participants who
may, or may not, have experience with Machine learning tools and help them in their professional Career.
“Data Science Professional Program” was an intensive training workshop in the data science series.The workshop introduced the audience to the importance of data science, why data science is a buzz world nowadays, the role of data science in different industries and the skills needed to be a data scientist.
We are pleased to offer a series of Data Science workshops.
Data Science is the hottest field of the century. Learn more about the foundation of data science in this first training course. Certificates will be awarded for attendees by IBM Academy
The Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA) Lab
is presenting a ``Data Visualization with Python`` training.
Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics (AIDA) Lab is pleased to offer a series of Research Workshops for Early Career, Mid Career & Late Career Researchers.
The first workshop is interactive with hands-on sessions for the Early Career Researchers to build a scholarly life.